Marrakech, May 15th – 16th 2017
The INREDD research group (Université Cadi Ayyad), the Bernoulli Center for Economics (University of Basel), and the Research Department of Bank Al-Maghrib (Central Bank of Morocco) invite submissions for the International Days of Macroeconomics and Finance in Marrakech. The event will take place at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences of the Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, Morocco, on May 15th and 16th, 2017.
Contributions are welcome from all areas of macroeconomics and finance. Both theoretical and empirical papers will be considered. This year’s edition will give priority to papers related to flexible exchange rate regimes and inflation targeting and capital account liberalization.
Submission of Papers
The deadline for full-paper submission is March 1st, 2017. Interested authors should submit their papers in electronic form (PDF) to Authors of submitted papers will be notified with the decision of the scientific committee before March 15th, 2017. Papers can be presented in French or English. The selected papers will be diffused on the internet portal of the organizers.
Participation Fees
There are no participation fees. Travel expenses are the responsibility of the participants. The organizing committee covers accommodation expenses.
- Mustapha Ziky, Professor, University Cadi Ayyad in Marrakech, Morocco
- Aleksander Berentsen, Professor, BCE and University of Basel, Switzerland
- Abdessamad Saidi, Director of Research, Bank Al-Maghrib, Morocco
For further information regarding the International Days of Macroeconomics and Finance, please visit, or
We are looking forward to seeing you in Marrakech.